sme forum

  India SME Forum, is India’s leading organisation for MSMEs, with over 98,200 MSMEs as direct paid members (including 9400+ Women Entrepreneurs) and 12,36,000 MSMEs as subscribers across 19 State Chapters.

  Ιndia SME Forum is a nominated member of the Advisory Committee mandated and its professional association affiliation includes the Ministries of MSME, Finance, Corporate Affairs, Commerce & Industry of the Govt of India, FIDD of the RBI, UNIDO, UNCTAD, ITC Geneva, WUSME, INSME & WTO’s informal group for SMEs.


  IETO has very simple strategies that are workable and effective: bring together the most relevant leaders from all sectors of global society, and identify the best ways to address the world’s most significant challenges.

  IETO has built a global community of central business networks, international organizations and leading domain experts to identify and leverage innovations in building bilateral relations that could help usher in a new age for the global trade and commerce system. 


  PHDCCI has been working as a catalyst for the promotion of Indian industry, trade and entrepreneurship for the past 119 years. It is a forward looking, proactive and dynamic PAN-India apex organization.

  As a partner in progress with industry and government, PHDCCI works at the grass roots level with strong national and international linkages for propelling progress, harmony and integrated development of the Indian economy.

  PHDCCI, acting as the “Voice of Industry & Trade” reaching out to more than 1,50,000 large, medium and small industries, has forged ahead leveraging its legacy with the industry knowledge across multiple sectors to take Indian Economy to the next level.


  National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), the Principal Architect of India’s Skill Ecosystem, is the driving force behind skill development. As a not-for-profit public limited company, NSDC orchestrates collaborations, bridging skill gaps, and building a greater future through private and government-led initiatives.  

  NSDC aims to promote skill development by catalysing the creation of large, quality and for-profit vocational institutions.

  Further, the organisation provides funding to build scalable and profitable vocational training initiatives.

  A key part of its mandate is to provide support for quality assurance, information systems, and train-the-trainer academies. 

  NSDC acts as a catalyst for skill development by providing a platform and support to enterprises, companies and organizations that provide skill training.

It also develops appropriate models to enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives.  


All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) was set up in November 1945 as a national-level apex advisory body to conduct a survey on the facilities available for technical education and to promote development in the country in a coordinated and integrated manner. And to ensure the same, as stipulated in the National Policy of Education (1986) .

The purview of AICTE (the Council) covers programmes of technical education including training and research in Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Town Planning, Management, Pharmacy, Applied Arts and Crafts, Hotel Management and Catering Technology etc. at different levels.


Started in 2007 by leading industrialists, ICIB is present in about 42 countries globally and in 14 states within India to service the MSME industry and its changing needs. 

The International Chamber of Investment and Business is also known as Indian Chamber of International Business which is a registered Trust / NGO in the jurisdiction of New Delhi.



The organization serves as a platform for its members to network, collaborate, and exchange information and best practices related to emigration management.

FIMCA also works closely with various government departments and agencies to address the concerns and issues faced by the emigration industry.

The organization provides training and development programs for its members to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of emigration management.